
String instruments





1) Foreign language test (optional English, German, French);

2) Тest to determine learning readiness (optional in Kazakh or Russian).



Exam Program:

• I.S Bach. 2 parts of a sonata or partita for a solo violin or 2 parts from a suite for a cello solo

• Large form: Concert. The first or second and third parts.

• A virtuoso piece.

• The piece of the Kazakh composer.

The solo program consists of works of various styles and genres. The duration of the performance is not less than 40 minutes.


The colloquium consists of questions that include the necessary amount of knowledge of the teacher, soloist, orchestra artist for the performer on a stringed instrument.

Sample questions of the Colloquium of the Comprehensive Exam on the specialty "String Instruments"

1. Basic versions of Sonata and Partita of I.S Bach for violin solo; Suite for cello solo

2. Outstanding performers of the XX century

3. Features of the composer's style - the author of the performed works

4. Concert performers of Kazakhstan

5. Kazakhstan violin (viola, cello, contrabass) school

6. The genre of the concert in the work of the composers of Kazakhstan

7. Chamber-instrumental compositions of Kazakhstan composers

8. Contemporary works for violin (viola, cello, double bass)

9. Instruments - the precursors of the violin

10. History of the evolution of bow instruments

11. History of the evolution of the bow

12. Italian violin school of the XVII century

13. Violin (viola, cello, double bass) in the works of Viennese classics

14. Programmability in the work of composers-violinists of the XVII century

15. "School of the Paris Conservatoire"

16. A work of romantics for violin (viola, cello, double bass)

17. The role of N.Paganini in the development of violin art

18. The genre of transcription in the work of composers-violinists

19. Russian (violin, viola, cello, contrabass) school

20. Cyclic compositions for violin (viola, cello, double bass) solo of the twentieth century

21. Violent creativity of impressionist composers

22. Quartet Performance in the Soviet Union

23. Soviet string musicians are laureates of international competitions

24. The joint work of the composer and performer

25. Works by Soviet composers for violin (viola, cello, double bass)

26. Soviet Chamber Orchestras

27. Concerts of composers of the XX century (for violin, viola, cello, double bass)


The maximum number of points for creative examination in specialty is 35 points. The minimum score is 9 points.

-       27-35 points (excellent)

The applicant must show vivid musical and performance skills, sense of style, culture of performing intonation.

-       17-26 points (good)

The applicant's performance is meaningfull, the author's text is accurately read, stylistically sustained. But at the same time, the applicant does not demonstrate technical freedom, performance is not distinguished by variety and quality.

-       9-16 points (satisfactorily)

Poor understanding of the stylistics and content of the performed compositions, insufficient knowledge of expressive means of musical intonation (intonation, hearing, phrasing, rhythm).

-       0-8 points (unsatisfactorily)

Lack of endurance, initiative, rhythmic, poor mastery of technical and artistic means of intonation, inconsistency of the program with the necessary level for admission.


Requirements for the abstract:

1.     The subject and content of the abstract should correspond to the profile of the specialty.

2.     The abstract is performed in Kazakh or Russian languages.

3.     The volume of the abstract – not less than 15 pages.

4.     Information that must be reflected in the abstract:

·         relevance and novelty of the topic;

·         formulation of the object, subject, purpose and tasks of the work;

·         analysis of recent publications and research, the unsolved part of the problem;

·         expected result, practical significance of the research;

·         a list of sources used with an indication of the output (name, place and year of publication, number of pages).

5.     Citation material of the abstract is drawn up in accordance with the standards of scientific works (footnotes indicating the literary source, page numbers are required).

6.     Quote material should not exceed 20% of the total text of the abstract.

7.     Note examples (if any) are printed as an attachment to the abstract and are not included in the main page of the text of the abstract.

8.     The text should be printed at a single interval. Fields: right – 10 mm., left – 30 mm., upper and lower – 20 mm. Page numbering is continuous. Page number is placed on the right at the bottom of the page.

Abstract defense also includes possible issues on the theory, history of music, musical folklore or methods of teaching special subjects related to the chosen research topic.


The maximum number of points for creative examination in abstract defense is 35 points. The minimum score is 7 points.

-       27-35 points (excellent)

The applicant must present an actual problem, demonstrate sufficient erudition, analytical thinking, proficiency in a scientific apparatus, a vision of ways to solve the problem.

-       17-26 points (good)

The applicant formulates the aim and objectives well, logically outlines the main provisions of the study. But at the same time the applicant demonstrates an insufficient knowledge level of the problems of the theory, history and methodology of the issue under consideration.

-       7-16 points (satisfactorily)

Poor understanding of the research problem, insufficient knowledge of written scientific presentation, insufficient validity of the relevance of the work.

-       0-6 points (unsatisfactorily)

The lack of practical significance of the research, a small amount (10 or less pages), poor knowledge of the scientific apparatus, the discrepancy between the topics and the specialty profile.


Video recording should be made non-stop from the beginning to the end of the work. Pauses in recordings between works are allowed. The use of video editing, combining several passages in the performance of one work is not allowed. During the execution of the program, the hands, instrument and face of the performer should be clearly visible.

An amateur format is allowed, subject to all the above requirements. If the video does not meet the technical requirements, the sent video will not be considered.


1. The applicant needs to make a video recording of the program, upload it to the YouTube channel and drop the link with open access to the video to the secretary of entrance exams, +77077130434 WhatsApp, not later than 15.07.20

2. In a letter with a link to the video, the applicant must indicate: name, executable program, department where he enters, a copy of the identity card, contact information (in case of problems with the link or video);

3. In the description of the video, indicate the name and executable program.

For all questions regarding the entrance exam specializing in String Instruments, contact Khalilova Korlan Maratovna

+7 707 713 0434