Zakirova Аssem

Citizenship: Republic of Kazakhstan
Contact information:
Mobile phone: +7 702-348-42-70
Position: teacher
Science degree: Master of Arts in Science
The name of speciality and code: 7М02102 – Instrumental performance
2004-2016 – Republic of Kazakhstan, A. Zhubanov The Kazakh secondary specialized music boarding school for gifted children, department «Special Piano», piano class, qualifications «Teacher of Music School», «Accompanist»;
2016-2020 Republic of Kazakhstan, Kurmangazy Kazakh National Conservatory, 5B040200 – Instrumental performance
Qualifications: Bachelor of Arts / concert performer, teacher, accompanist.
2020-2022 Republic of Kazakhstan, Kurmangazy Kazakh National Conservatory, 7М02102 – Instrumental performance
Science degree – Master of Arts in Science
2. AWARDS: |
Year |
Name |
Organization |
Country |
2022 |
Laureate of the III degree of the II International online research competition "Best poster report" |
Kazakh National Academy of Arts named after T. K. Zhurgenov |
Republic of Kazakhstan |
2021 |
Scholarship holder of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan |
Republic of Kazakhstan |
2019 |
Scholarship holder of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan |
Republic of Kazakhstan |
2019 |
Laureate of the III Degree of the International Piano Competition “Aida Fest” dedicated to Aida Petrovna Isakova |
ООО (limited liability company) «Артист» Российское Дворянское Собрание |
Russia |
2018 |
Scholarship holder of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Nazarbayev scholarship) |
Republic of Kazakhstan |
2018 |
Diploma-recipient at the 45th Palma D'Oro International Piano Competition named after Aloise Vecchiato |
Italy |
2018 |
Laureate of the III degree of the Republican competition of scientific research student works in the "art" section |
Republic of Kazakhstan |
2018 |
Letter of thanks for the accompaniment mastery at the II - International Competition of Vocalists named after K. Kenzhetayev and Sh.Beysekova, held with the support of the Foundation of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan - Elbasy, (Almaty, 2018) |
Ministry of Culture and Sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan The Foundation of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan - the Leader of the Nation Almaty Music College named after P. Tchaikovsky |
Republic of Kazakhstan |
2017 |
Laureate of the I degree of the IX Republican student subject Olympiad in the "Piano" nomination |
Republic of Kazakhstan |
2017 |
Laureate of the I degree of the Republican competition of performers on musical instruments "Almaty music Games" |
Art aspect center |
Republic of Kazakhstan |
2014 |
Diploma-recipient at the International competition-festival of young performers, dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the RKSMBS for gifted children named after A. Zhubanov |
MES RK The Republican Kazakh specialized music boarding school for gifted children named after Ahmet Zhubanov |
Republic of Kazakhstan |
2013 |
Diploma-recipient of the III Republican Piano Competition "PIANO FORUM KAZAKHSTAN - 2013" |
MES RK Akimat of Almaty city KNC named after Kurmangazy |
Republic of Kazakhstan |
2012 |
Grand Prix of the International Competition for Young Performers named after Akhmet Zhubanov |
MES RK The Republican Kazakh specialized music boarding school for gifted children named after Ahmet Zhubanov |
Republic of Kazakhstan |
2010 |
Laureate of the III degree of the International Competition-Festival of Young Performers, named after A. Zhubanov |
MES RK Department of Education of the city of Almaty The Republican Kazakh specialized music boarding school for gifted children named after Ahmet Zhubanov |
Republic of Kazakhstan |
2010 |
Laureate of the I degree of the VI International competition of young performers "Astana-Merey" |
MES RK The Republican Scientific and Practical Center «Daryn» KazNUA |
Republic of Kazakhstan |
2009 |
Laureate of the III degree of the Republican Music Olympiad "MUSIC FORUM KAZAKHSTAN" |
MES RK KNC named after Kurmangazy |
Republic of Kazakhstan |
2007 |
Laureate of the III degree of the II open competition for young performers «Ақ көгершін»
Department of Education of the city of Almaty |
Republic of Kazakhstan |
2017 - 2018 - Kurmangazy Kazakh National Conservatory named after, accompanist of the Department of Music Education;
2021 - present - Kurmangazy Kazakh National Conservatory named after, teacher of the department «General piano» of the faculty of instrumental performance.
- Course «Improving the practical skills of pedagogy in the piano class» in the amount of 72 hours, certificate, registration number 00145-2669КН, organization - International Creative Organization Art Forum of Kazakhstan, May 15 - 31, 2023;
- Course «Digital technologies and innovative methods in marketing» in the amount of 72 hours, certificate, registration number ЦТ-14/23, organization - Kazakhstan Marketing Association, Turan University, January 30 - February 04, 2023;
- The course "The use of interactive technologies in the process of teaching students" in the amount of 72 hours, certificate, registration number 22-331, date of issue - 12/22/2022, organization - KazNU named after Al-Farabi, December 08 - December 22, 2022;
- Additional professional program «General piano course in the modern system of music education» in the amount of 72 hours, certificate of advanced training 223102607235, organization - Altai State University, November 21 - December 12, 2022;
- Webinar «Using the Web of Science database and modern scientometric techniques» in the amount of 2 hours, certificate, organization - Clarivate Web of Science, November 19, 2021;
- Webinar «How to publish a scientific article using Scopus» in the amount of 2 hours, certificate, organization - Elsevier, October 29, 2021;
- Education on the basics of entrepreneurship within the optional 36 hours, certificate, registration number 021088, organization - Atameken, autumn 2019;
- Course «Project marketing management in the service economy» in the amount of 72 hours, certificate, organization - Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, March 14 - April 5, 2018
- Certificate for participation in the international scientific and practical conference «Marketing and Logistics: Modern Development Priorities» in the amount of 8 hours, registration number 32, organization - Kazakhstan Marketing Association, Turan University, April 28, 2017.
# |
Name of publication |
Name of edition, year |
1 |
Zakirova A., (2022) International music competition: Kazakhstani experience |
Materials of the International scientific and practical conference "Spiritual values of national culture: the Zhubanov dynasty in science and art", dedicated to the 115th anniversary of the academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan Akhmet Kuanovich Zhubanov (October 28, 2021) |
2 |
Zakirova, A., (2021) On the issue of the emergence of music competitions
Master's readings "A new look at the heritage of musical traditions" Materials of the III Republican master's readings February 19, 2021 |
3 |
Zakirova, A., (2021) International music competitions as a platform for cultural communication of the countries of the world |
Materials of the international scientific conference of students and young scientists "Farabi Əlemi"
4 |
Zakirova, A., (2021) Image of Korkut: truth and fiction |
Collection of materials of the International scientific-practical conference "Heritage of traditional culture of the XX century" dedicated to the 160th anniversary of Dina Nurpeisova |
5 |
Zakirova, A., Kokisheva M. (2020) Features of the method of comparative analysis of performing interpretations
Collection of materials of the International scientific-practical conference "Spiritual heritage of Abai and topical problems of modern art history" for the celebration of the 175th anniversary of Abai Kunanbaev |
# |
Name of publication
Name of edition, ISBN, year
Publications in peer-reviewed journals |
Scopus |
Impact Factor |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
Lipovka, A., Yerimpasheva, A., Rakhimbekova, Z., & Zakirova, A. (2023). |
Women’s participation in political leadership: Standpoints from Central Asia and Central Europe. Journal of Eastern European and Central Asian Research (JEECAR), 10(3), 376–386.
+ |
1.9 |
Yerimpasheva, A. T., Lipovka, A. V., Tarakbaeva, R. E., & Zakirova, A. A. (2023). |
Comparative analysis of gender stereotypes in Central Asia and Central Europe. Bulletin of “Turan” University, (1), 130–144.
+ |
Yerimpasheva, A., Lipovka, A., & Zakirova, A. (2023). |
Cross-country study of Central Asia and Central Europe: Gender equality issues. Eurasian Journal of Economic and Business Studies, 1(67), 125–138. |
+ |
Yerimpasheva, А., Tarakbaeva, R., Zakirova, А., & Koilybaeva, M. (2022). |
Prospects for distance learning in Kazakhstani universities in the context of active digitalization due to the COVID–19 pandemic. Bulletin Of "Turan" University, (1), 276-283. doi: 10.46914/1562-2959-2022-1-1-276-283 |
+ |
Yerimpasheva, A., Myrzakhmetova, A., & Zakirova, A. (2022). |
Human Capital Development: Innovative Learning in the Post-Pandemic Era. Economics: The Strategy And Practice, 16(4), 130-142. doi: 10.51176/1997-9967-2021-4-130-142 |
+ |
Zakirova, A., Kokisheva, M., & Maralbayeva, S. (2020). |
The Kazakhstani entertainment industry’s development in the context of servitization of the world economy. Kaznu BULLETIN. International Relations And International Law Series, 92(4). doi: 10.26577/irilj.2020.v92.i4.08 |
+ |
# |
Name of the conference |
Name of the organization |
Country |
Date |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
Local |
Certificate and diploma "For the practical significance of research" IIІ Republican Master's Readings dedicated to the 115th anniversary of Akhmet Zhubanov |
KNC named after Kurmangazy |
Republic of Kazakhstan |
February 19, 2021 |
Certificate for participation in the student scientific and practical conference "Қазіргі заманғы шығармашыл жастардың құндылық әлемі" |
KNC named after Kurmangazy |
Republic of Kazakhstan |
2017 |
International |
Certificate of a participant in the International Scientific and Practical Conference "HERITAGE OF TRADITIONAL CULTURE OF THE XX CENTURY" dedicated to the 160th anniversary of Dina Nurpeisova at the Kurmangazy Kazakh National Conservatory |
KNC named after Kurmangazy |
Republic of Kazakhstan |
April 22, 2021 |
Certificate for participation in the International Scientific and Practical Conference "Spiritual Heritage of Abai and Actual Problems of Contemporary Art", dedicated to the 175th anniversary of Abai Kunanbayev
KNC named after Kurmangazy |
Republic of Kazakhstan |
November 19, 2020 |
Certificate for participation in the XXXII-th international scientific conference of students and young scientists Farabi Alemi "Students in science - the intellectual potential of the future" |
KNC named after Kurmangazy |
Republic of Kazakhstan |
2017 |
Music competitions, musical interpretation, gender in music, musician's personal brand, art marketing, music as a means of international communication.
Languages: |
Language |
Level |
IELTS/TOEFL, others |
Beginning |
Pre-Intermediate |
Intermediate |
Advanced |
English |
Academic writing |
+ |
IELTS ACADEMIC Overall Band Score – 6.0 CEFR Level – B2 23KZ000297ZAKA005A Date 11/05/2023 |