
Guests from spain visited the conservatory

On March 13, 2023, as part of the Erasmus + academic mobility program, the teachers of the Vigo Conservatory of Music CONSERVATORIO SUPERIOR DE MÚSICA DE VIGO (Vigo, Spain) visited the Kurmangazy Kazakh National Consevatory. The delegation included the rector of the Vigo Conservatory Esteban Valverde, Erasmus+ program coordinator José Fernandez and teachers Rafael Yebra (Saxophone), Severino Manuel Ortiz Rey (piano), Mario Peris Salom (violin), Manuel Morales (flute), José Manuel Fernandez González (piano). ). During the week, Spanish musicians will share their experience in master classes for students of the Conservatory.

The rector of the Conservatory Arman Zhudebayev, welcomed the guests and spoke in detail about the achievements of the conservatory in recent years. In turn, foreign guests thanked the rector and staff for the warm welcome. The parties discussed issues of strengthening further cooperation.

It should be noted that the Kurmangazy Kazakh National Conservatory and the Conservatorio Superior de Música de Vigo are currently cooperating within the framework of the Erasmus + academic mobility program. At the moment, students and undergraduates of the Kurmangazy Conservatory are undergoing training and internships at a partner University.

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