International Conference Dedicated to the Anniversary of the Conservatory

On December 2, 2024, the International Conference for Researches and Practitioners titled "Art in the Post-Global World: From Metatraditions to Metaculture," dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the Kurmangazy Kazakh National Conservatory, took place. Section meetings within the conference were held in the halls of the National Library of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Conservatory.
At the official opening ceremony, student ensembles from the Faculty of Folk Music performed, showcasing the richness of Kazakh musical culture to guests — prominent figures in science, education, and culture from Austria, Belarus, Kazakhstan, China, Russia, and Uzbekistan. Congratulatory speeches were delivered by major public figures and rectors of creative universities, including D. Kasseinov, S. Seidumanov, K. Matyzhanov, S. Akzharova, B. Nussipzhanova, and R. Nurtaza. Congratulatory addresses were read on behalf of the rectors of the Moscow and Tashkent conservatories.
During the plenary session, moderated by G. Begembetova, reports were presented by S. Utegaliyeva, D. Ostankovich, U. Jumakova, U. Morgenstern, M. Karaseva, and Sh. Ganikhanova. In addition to the plenary session, 4 sections were held, which were attended by leading researchers from Kazakhstan and abroad. The anniversary conference has defined the vector of the academic avant-garde of the Central Asian region in the field of music.
The Kurmangazy Kazakh National Conservatory expresses gratitude to the National Library of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Almaty Tourism Bureau, Uly Dala, and Bank CenterCredit for their support in organizing the events.