
Summit of Cultural Institutions of CIS Member States

On May 30–31, 2024, the Gnesins Russian Academy of Music hosted the Summit of Heads of Cultural Institutions of CIS Member States, dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the birth of Yelena Fabianovna Gnesina, the founder of the Gnesin educational institutions.

On May 30, the leaders of cultural and artistic institutions, from conservatories to music schools, from eight Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) countries gathered in the music lounge of the Shuvalov House. They discussed the challenges and prospects of developing contemporary creative education and explored ways to expand cooperation among CIS member states in science, education, and culture. The discussions included initiatives for organizing festivals, creative schools, academic mobility programs, professional development, and other joint events.

The Kurmangazy Kazakh National Conservatory was represented by Damir Urazymbetov, Head of the International Department. During the summit, a memorandum of cooperation between the Kurmangazy Kazakh National Conservatory and the The Gnesins Russian Academy of Music was signed (extended).

On May 31, the 150th anniversary of Yelena Fabianovna Gnesina was dedicated to acquainting the delegates with her life and achievements. They attended a lecture by Dina Kirnarskaya on management psychology titled “The Case of Yelena Gnesina” and toured the memorial museum-apartment of Ye. F. Gnesina. The events concluded with a gala concert at the Zaryadye Hall, marking the closing of the International Festival celebrating the 150th anniversary of Ye. F. Gnesina's birth. The concert featured performances by the orchestras, choirs, and soloists of the Gnesins Russian Academy of Music, conducted by A. Kubyshkin and M. Khokhlov.

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