
Traditional singing

GЕP B021-Performing Arts
Educational program

1. performing a program for singers:
1. one folk song;
2. a song by a folk composer;
3. a song by a contemporary composer.
2. program execution:
1. One term-tolgau from the work of the poet, zhyrau;
2. An excerpt from the epic;
3. One term or tolgau from the works of modern poets-zhyrau.

Criteria for evaluating
creative exams for applicants
I – creative exam

33-45 point:
The applicant must show bright musical data, performing abilities, sense of style, culture of performing intonation. He must be able to determine the directions of schools of performers of traditional song art, a kind of place of famous performers, distinguish between professional and traditional artistic trends in the art of singing. Assimilation of structural, regional, performance specifics of songs-zhyr.
19-32 points:
The applicant must show his performing abilities, clearly know the text of the work, the safety of the singing technique according to the requirements of song schools. Must be fluent in voice and instruments.
5-18 points:
Lack of a clear understanding of the lyrics of the songs performed, non-compliance with the requirements of the songs, be able to control the purity of sound, rhythm during the performance of the song accompanied by dombra. Be able to work on the stage image, the individuality of the performance of various genres, a low level of performance culture, unstable psychological state on stage.
0-4 score.
Non-mastery of vocal apparatus, sound production techniques, lack of auditory control, lack of synchronicity of song performance and instrument accompaniment, poor instrument proficiency, performance of initial exclamations before the beginning of the song, lack of strokes between verses, lack of auditory control, inexpressive intonation, metrorhythmic instability.


Elementary music theory – orally by tickets: construct and determine diatonic intervals and chords from sound and in key (from 2 to 5 key signs of major and minor), checking the sense of rhythm. Reading from a sheet of a textbook number on solfeggio.
Solfeggio is a (written) one–voice dictation of a diatonic warehouse with passing and chromatic sounds in the form of a period.

Criteria for evaluating
creative exams for applicants
II – creative exam

33-45 points:
Absolutely correct dictation recording; deep knowledge of the topics of the course of elementary music theory; accurate and quick definition of an interval or chord; accurate and clear repetition of a rhythmic pattern; reading from a sheet at a good pace, clear intonation, accurate definition of tonality
19-32 points:
The presence of insignificant pitch and rhythmic errors in dictation; good knowledge of theoretical topics music theory course; small delays in determining the interval or chord; reading from a sheet with rare stops, inaccuracies in intonation
5-18 points:
Significant mistakes in writing dictation; poor knowledge of the topics of the theoretical course of elementary music theory; inaccurate definition of intervals and chords; uncertain reading from a sheet
0-4 points:
Lack of dictation writing skills; low level of knowledge of the topics of the theoretical course of elementary music theory; lack of sheet reading skills