
Vocal art

Requirements for applicants for a master's degree in the specialty  

7M02103 - VOCAL ART 


1. Test in a foreign language (optionally -English, German or French). 

2. Learning Readiness Assessment (optionally - Kazakh or Russian). 



The solo program should show the performing competencies of the applicant. Duration of the performance should be not less than 20-25 minutes.  

Program performance  

Specialization «Opera singing» 

1.                ancient aria; 

2.                aria from the foreign,  

3.                aria from the Russian opera composers  

4.                aria from  Kazakh composers opera 
Specialization «Chamber singing» 

1. ancient aria; 

2. part of the chamber-vocal cycle of a foreign, Russian or kazakh composer; 
The Colloquium reveals the general cultural level of applicants, their aesthetic views, erudition in the field of musical art, knowledge of the main stages and patterns of the development of the history of music, knowledge of literature in their specialty, musical terminology, understanding of the content, form and stylistic features of the performed works.  
Questions for the Colloquium:

1. Determining the voice type and its meaning in the process of voice production 

2. The role of breathing in the formation of a singing sound, singing in and out, types of breathing 

3. The work of the larynx in singing, the position of the larynx in singing. 

4. Tasks of a vocal teacher and requirements for it. 

5. Typical features of the nervous system and their role in the formation of the singer. 

6. Resonator.  The meaning of resonant sensations in the process of singing. 

7. Principles of primary singing training. 

8. Operation of the voice apparatus in singing and speech. 

9. The concept of" support "of sound and" support " of breath. 

10.                    What is a" primitive " tone?  What part of the range is it in for different types of voices?  

11.                    The process of" covering " the sound. 

12.                    Defects of voice formation and the nature of their origin. 

13.                    Vowel sounds in speech and singing. 

14.                    The concept of a register. Place of register breaking in different types of voices. 

15.                    Features of the organization of the oropharyngeal canal in singing. 

16.                     Determining the "high position" of the singing voice. Ways to achieve it. 

17.                    Role and development of vocal hearing. 

18.                     What is the difference between the definition of a medium and a mix? 

19.                    Phonetic method of educating a singer. 

20.                    Basic principles of vocal pedagogy. 

21.                    The types of vocalizations (the cantilena, the fluency, the thinning, and trill). 

22.                    Requirements for a teacher-vocalist at the present stage. 

23.                    Formation and development of the vocal school in Kazakhstan 

24.                     Founders of the Kazakh vocal art at an early stage 

25.                     Vocal art of Kazakhstan at the present stage 



The maximum score for the Creative Major Entrance Examination is 35 points. 

·     25-35 points (excellent)

Applicant should show bright vocal and performing abilities, a sense of style and musicality, a culture of performing intonation. 

·     15-24 points (good)

Performance of the applicant is comprehended, as if the author's text is accurately read, stylistically sustained. But at the same time he does not demonstrate technical freedom, the performance is not distinguished by the variety and quality of singing. 

·     9-14 points (satisfactorily)

Weak understanding of the stylistics and content of the performed works, insufficient possession of expressive means of musical intonation (intonation, hearing, phrasing, rhythm). 

·     0-8 points (unsatisfactorily)

Absence of restraint, initiative, rhythmic will, weak possession of technical and artistic means of intonation, inconsistency of the program with the necessary level for admission. 



Requirements to the referat: 

1. The subject and content of the research should correspond to the profile of the program; 

2. The research should be done in Kazakh or Russian language; 

3. Information that should be reflected in the referat: 
- substantiation of the need for carrying out this research work, the relevance and novelty of the topic; 
- formulation of the object, subject, purpose and objectives of the study; 
- analysis of recent publications and studies, unsolved part of the problem; 
  - the expected result, the practical significance of the study. 

4. The list of references should be enclosed to the referat with full output of sources (title, place and year of publication, number of pages); 

5. The cited material of the referat should be completed in accordance with the standards of scientific publications (footnotes indicating the literary source, page numbers are mandatory); 

6. The citation material should not exceed 20% of the total volume of the referat’s text; 

7. Musical notes examples (if any) are printed as an attachment to the referat and are not counted as the main text of the referat; 

8. The volume of the referat should be not less than 15 pages; 

9. The text should be printed after 1 interval, observing the following sizes of fields: right - 10mm, top - 20mm, left - 30mm, bottom - 20mm. Pages should be numbered with Arabic numerals, observing end-to-end numbering throughout the text. The page number is placed at the bottom right of the page (except for the first page). 




The referat defense may also include possible questions on theory, music history, musical folklore or the methodology of teaching special subjects related to the chosen topic of the study. 

The maximum score for the referat (research paper) defense is 35 points. 

·     25-35 points (excellent)

The applicant should present an actual problem; demonstrate sufficient erudition, analytical thinking, possession of a scientific apparatus of the research, problem solving skills. 

·     15-24 points (good)

The applicant articulates goals and objectives well, logically sets out the main points of the research. But at the same time demonstrates an insufficient level of knowledge on the problems of theory, history and methodology of the issue under consideration. 

·     9-14 points (satisfactorily)

Weak understanding of the nature of the research problem, insufficient knowledge of written scientific knowledge, insufficient reasoning for the relevance of the work 

·     0-8 points (unsatisfactorily)

Lack of practical significance of the study, small volume (10 or less pages), poor knowledge of the scientific apparatus of the research, inconsistency of the research subject with the program profile. 

The applicant creates a channel through the online resource YOUTUBE, in which when uploading a video to the channel itself, the description specifies the last name, first name, and also lists the entire executable program.  

Video access: check the box next to"link access". 

Technical Secretary of the admissions Committee: 

Master of Arts, 

Teacher of the Department "Conducting", 

Makeyev Bogdan Mugumovich; 

