Bakhytzhan Baikadamov (1917-1977) is the Kazakh composer, Honored Art Worker of the Kazakh SSR (1957). He graduated from the Almaty State Conservatory (1954). Since 1941, he led the Kazakh Radio choir and was a conductor of female song and dance ensemble in 1947-1949. Now, the Kazakh national choir has his name.
Awards and titles: Labor Red Banner Order (1959), Honored Artist of the Kazakh SSR (1957).
Kuddus Khodzhamyarovich Kuzhamyarov(1918-1994) is the Soviet, Kazakhstan, Uygur composer, teacher, public man, founder of Uygur professional music. In 1951, he graduated from the Kazakh Conservatory as a composer, class of Professor E.G.Brusilovsky. He worked as artistic director of the Kazakh Radio (1952), Rector of Kurmangazy KNC (1957-1967).
Awards and titles: Honored Artist of the Kazakh SSR (1954), People’s Artist of the Kazakh SSR (1973), People’s Artist of the USSR (1987), Stalin Prize Third Degree (1951), State Prize of the Kazakh SSR (1971), Labor Red Banner Order (1971), «Badge of Honor» Order (1961), medal «For Victory over Germany in the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945»(1947), «Veteran of Labor» Medal (1980), Honorary Badge «For Excellent Success in the Field of USSR Higher Education» (1978), Badge «For excellent work» of the Ministry of Culture of the USSR (1964).

Nurgisa Atabaevich Tlendiev (1925-1998) is the Kazakh composer, conductor, dombristand teacher. People’s Artist of the USSR (1984), People’s Hero of Kazakhstan (1998). He studied at the faculty of folk instruments at Kurmangazy Kazakh State Conservatory (1948-1950), he graduated from the conduction department at the Moscow Conservatory (class of Professor N.P. Anosov) in 1952, trained at the Grand Theater in Moscow.
Awards and titles: People’s Hero of Kazakhstan (Halyk Kaharmany) (1998), Honored Artist of Kazakh SSR (1959), Labor Red Banner Order (1959), People’s Artist of the Kazakh SSR (1975), People’s Artist of the USSR (1984), State Prize of the Kazakh SSR (1978), Otan Order (1998), Patriotic War Order of the 2nd degree (1985).

Shamshy Kaldayakov (1930-1992) is a popular Kazakh composer, «The king of the Kazakh waltz». In 1956 year he wrote the «My Kazakhstan» song which later became the modern anthem of Kazakhstan, he studied at the Kurmangazy Conservatory in composition class of prof. V.V. Velikanov.
Awards and titles: Laureate of the Lenin Komsomol Prize of Kazakhstan (1965), Honored Worker of Culture of the Kazakh SSR (1980), People’s Artist of the Kazakh SSR (1981), Winner of the State Prize in Literature and Art of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2010) for the collection of songs «Bakyt Kushagynda» (posthumously).
Yerkegali Rakhmadievich Rakhmadiev (1932 - 2013) is the Soviet Kazakh composer, teacher, public and state leader. People’s Artist of the USSR (1981), Hero of the Labor of Kazakhstan (2010). In 1957, he graduated from Kurmangazy Kazakh Conservatory, composition class of E.G.Brusilovsky, after he attended advanced courses by G.Lytinsky and Y.Fortunatov at the USSR Union of Composers in Moscow.
Awards and titles: Hero of Labor of Kazakhstan (2010), Honored Artist of the Kazakh SSR (1967), People’s Artist of the Kazakh SSR (1975), People’s Artist of the USSR (1981), State Prize of the Kazakh SSR (1980), Red Banner of Labor Order (1971), People’s Friendship Order (1982), Otan Order (2010), Medal «For Valiant Labor in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945» (1947), Medal of the Pennsylvania State (USA) for outstanding achievements in art, Prize of the International Music Tribune of Asia Countries UNESCO (1973), «Man of the Year» (2005), «Madeniet Salasynyүzdіgі» Badge (Excellence in Culture) (2012).
Sydyh Mukhamedzhanov (1924 -1991) is the Kazakh Soviet composer, People’s Artist of the USSR (1990). He graduated from the composition department at the Kazakh Conservatory Kurmangazy (class of E.G. Brusilovsky) in 1957. Starting from 1953, he worked as the music editor (later artistic director) of the Kazakh radio. He was elected as the chairman of the Board of the Composers Union of Kazakhstan (1960-1962), director and artistic director of Jambul Kazakh State Philharmonic Society (1964-1968), director of Abay Kazakh State Academic Opera and Ballet Theater (1969-1972), Member of the CPSS since 1961.
Awards and titles: The Honored Artist of the Kazakh SSR (1961), People’s Artist of the Kazakh SSR (1967), People’s Artist of the USSR (1990), State Prize of the Kazakh SSR (1974), Order of the October Revolution (1971), Peoples' Friendship Order (1984), «Badge of Honor» Order (1959).
Bazarbay Sagadievich Jumaniyazov (1936-2015) is the Kazakh composer and teacher. He graduated from the Alma-Ata Conservatory Evgeny Brusilovsky's class of composition in 1965. In 1964-1965, he was the music editor of the «Kazakhfilm» film studio, the head of the music editorial office of the «Mektep» publishing house (1965-1966), Director of Abai Kazakh State Academic Opera and Ballet Theater (1984-1987), Headed the Union of Composers of Kazakhstan, was a CPSU member in 1978-1991.
Awards and titles: The Prize of Lenin’s Komsomol of the Kazakh SSR (1970), Honored Artist of the Kazakh SSR (1983), People’s Friendship Order (1986), People’s Artist of the Kazakh SSR (1990), Parasat Order (1999).
Yermek Bekmukhamedovich Serkebaev (1926-2013) is the Soviet Kazakh opera and chamber singer (baritone), actor and teacher. In 1951 year, he graduated from the Kazakh Conservatory, Professor A.M. Kurganov's vocal class. Since the 1988, he was the Chairman of the Board of the Union of Musical Figures of the Republic of Kazakhstan and a member of the presidium of the International Union of Musical Figures (Moscow), combined this position with the work of an adviser to the general director at Abay Kazakh State Academic Opera and BalletTheater where he also continued to perform on stage as a singer.
Awards and titles: Winner of the World Festival of Youth and Students in Bucharest (2nd prize, 1953), Winner of the All-Union Competition of vocalists and ballet dancers in Moscow (2nd prize, 1956), Winner of the World Festival of Youth and Students in Moscow (2nd prize, 1957 ), Hero of Socialist Labor (1986), People’s Artist of the Kazakh SSR (1958), People’s Artist of the USSR (1959), State Prize of the USSR (1977), K. Baiseitova State Prize of the Kazakh SSR (1972), Two Lenin Orders (1986), October Revolution Order (1984), Labor Red Banner Order, Otan Order, Independent National Award «Tarlan» («Contribution» in the section «Music», «Club of Patrons of Kazakhstan», 2000), the winner of the festival «Man of the Year» in the nomination «For contribution to the musical art of Kazakhstan» (2011), Honorary Citizen of Petropavlovsk (1990).
Bibigul Akhmetovna Tulegenova (16.12.1929) is the Soviet and Kazakh opera singer (lyricist soprano), actress and teacher. She is a Hero of Socialist Labor (1991). People’s Artist of the USSR (1967), Winner of the USSR State Prize (1970). She graduated from the vocal and choral faculty of the Kazakh Conservatory in Almaty in 1954 (teacher N.N. Samyshina). Soloist of Abay State Academic Opera and Ballet Theater in Alma-Ata during 1957 -1971.
Awards and titles: People’s Artist of the Kazakh SSR (1959), People’s Artist of the USSR (1967), State Prize of the USSR (1970) for concert programs of 1967-1968, K.Baiseitova State Prize of the Kazakh SSR (1966), Hero of Socialist Labor (12.21.1991), Two Lenin Orders (03.23.1976; 12.21.1991), Labor Red Banner Order (03.01.1959), Otan Order (2000). Medals: Personal Golden Badge of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan (1999), «Person of the Year» in the nomination «For contribution to the musical art of Kazakhstan» (2001), Independent national award «Tarlan» («For contribution» in the section «Music», «Club of Patrons Kazakhstan», 2001), Personal star on the avenue of stars of Kazakhstan (2002), Interstate Prize «Stars of the Commonwealth» in the field of humanitarian activities (Council for Humanitarian Cooperation of the CIS Member States, 2014), Honorary Citizen of Astana (1999), Honorary Citizen of East Kazakhstan Region (2011), Honorary Citizen of Almaty (2012), State Scholarship of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan – Leader of the Nation in the Field of Culture (2016), State Scholarship of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan –Elbasy areas of culture (2017).
Sara Adilgereyevna Kuzembay (24.03.1937) is the leading musicologist and scholar, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Doctor of Art History, Professor, Honored Worker of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Laureate of the First Degree Sh.Valikhanov State Prize, researcher of actual problems of multinational musical art of Kazakhstan. The scientific and creative activity of S.A.Kuzembay is devoted to the formation and development of the national musicological science. In 2006, the Professor's work came out as a result of many years of musicologist's creative research as a monograph «National artistic traditions and their convergence in the genre of Kazakh opera». Since 2016, she is an honorary Professor, head of the dissertation council for the defense of doctoral dissertations at Kurmangazy Kazakh National Conservatory. Two books «Kazakh operas» and «Kazakh operalary» were released in collaboration with the candidate of art history, Associate Professor G.Zh.Musagulova and with SR of the department of musical art Z.M. Kasimova in 2010. She wrote the collective monograph «Dasturli musyka men kompozitorlyk shygarmashylyktagy tauilsezdyk ideasy» in 2011, the monograph «Ulttyk Muzykatanu Gulimynyz ozektі maselelerі» In 2012. In 2017, under the leadership of Sara Kuzembay, the fundamental research project «Idea of Mangilik el (eternal land) in Kazakh music» was completed.
Awards and titles: Badge «For merits in the development of science of the Republic of Kazakhstan» (2016), Medal for the 25th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan for achievements in domestic music and pedagogy, awarded by the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan on November 29, 2016.
Ketegenova Nurgiyan (Altyn) Salimovna (16.02.1937) is the author of about 200 scientific and journalistic works including more than 20 books dedicated to the work of professional composers of Kazakhstan, history and theory of music, problems of style, folklore and professional creativity, national language, the interaction of tradition and innovation.The main object of perennial searches by N.S.Ketegenova is the work of composer M. Tulebaev. Among the most famous works of N.S. Ketegenova is ethnographic collection «Makpal» (100 songs recorded by M. Tulebaev in Kazakh and Russian languages 1979), monograph «M.Tulebaev's Life and Work» (1993), edition of «Birzhan and Sara» opera (2 ed., 1983). In 2009, the «Creative portraits of composers of Kazakhstan. Essays». book by N.S.Ketegenova was published on the 70th anniversary of the Union of Composers of Kazakhstan In 2015, N.S. Ketegenova published The Reader in Harmony (using the works of composers of Kazakhstan as an example) in collaboration with A.S. Nusupova and G.Z. Begembetova, which appears to be a unique phenomenon in the national musicology. In 13.03. 2016 Mukan Tulebaev’s opera «Kozy-Korpesh-Bayan Sulu» gained a full-fledged stage life at Astana Opera, thanks to her initiative, the composer’s symphonic instrumentation was completed. She had collected and had handed over to the museum archive over 200 exhibits, including portraits, manuscripts, personal belongings, office furniture, tools, souvenirs, clothes, epistolary material of famous Kazakhstani composers, performers and cultural figures.
Awards and titles: Honored Worker of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Madeniet Kairatkeri, «Eren enbegi ushin, Kazakhstan respublikasynyn tauelsizdigine 10 zhyl», «Kazakhstan Respublikasynyn Parlamentine 10 zhyl».
Nuraly Tanatar Konyruly (02.07.1938) is the Professor of the Wind and Percussion Instruments Department at Kurmangazy Kazakh National Conservatory, author of several articles, teaching aids, teacher with many years of experience, who educated several generations of talented oboists. T.K. Nuraly began his career at the Conservatory in 1967. He is an active concert musician (both a soloist and an orchestra) throughout his life. Tanatar Konyruly performed in various concert halls of Kazakhstan and Russia, Armenia, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Romania, Spain etc.).Currently, Tanatar Konyruly is one of the leading professors of Kurmangazy Kazakh National Conservatory. Evidence of Professor's fruitful teaching activities is more than 75 graduates in the «Oboe» specialty, many of them are laureates of republican and over 20 international contests. Currently, graduates of T.K.Nuraly class are engaged in creative, concert, and pedagogical activity both in the Republic of Kazakhstan and abroad. The brightest of them are: Bisengaliev K., Mazhagulov B., Kurmanbaev J., Mazurenko A., Aitbaev K., Azhbagambetov E., Makhpirova D., Mikhlina M., Mukhadieva L., Mukasheva A., Tustikbay O., Auzhanova A., Bakhtiyarov A., Eraly F., et al. Scientific works: «Goboiga arnalgan piesalar» / «Oner», 1984, Almaty, Methodical instructions on performing musical works for the oboe /SIC of Minvuz, 1984, Almaty, Kazakh SSR, «Guide to the reeds of manufacture for oboe» / Poligraf-L LP, 1994, Almaty, «Primary learning to play the oboe in a children’s music school and music college» / Poligraf-L LP , 1994, «Collection of «Pieces for Oboe and Piano» / Scientist’s Papers , 2004, «Strokes to Portraits» /«Oner» , 2008, «Goboi Uyrenu Mektebі» / Printing House LLP – «378», 2011 y.
Awards and titles: 1984 - Honored Artist of Kazakh Soviet Socialist Republic, 1992 - Professor's Academic title 2004 - Kazakhstan Respublikasynyn bilim beruisinin kurmetti kyzmetkeri.
Kalenbayeva Meruert Kabikenovna was born on June 9, 1939 in the Urda district of the West Kazakhstan region. She graduated from the Almaty Conservatory (now the Kazakh National Conservatory). She is a Kobyzist, Honored Artist of Kazakhstan, Professor of Kurmangazy Kazakh National Conservatory. In 1961-1979 she was a concertmaster in the orchestra of Kazakh folk instruments. Since 1966, she is a teacher at the Conservatory. As one of the art masters of Kazakhstan, she participated in the Days of Culture of the Soviet Union in Hungary, Poland, Germany, France, Japan and Portugal. She was awarded the Diploma of the Ministry of Culture of the USSR.
Awards and titles: Honored Artist of the Republic of Kazakhstan, title of the Associate Professor of Kurmangazy KNC, Academic title: Associate Professor (HAC), Diploma from the Almaty Akim for long service, contribution to the development and promotion of musical art, title of the Professor of Kurmangazy KNC, Medal «10 years» of independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Medal «20 years» of independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan, State scholarship of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan-Elbasy in the field of culture.
Tamara Kazhgaliyevna Jumaliyeva is the Kazakh musicologist, Candidate of Art History, Professor of Kurmangazy Kazakh National Conservatory. She graduated from Gnesinyin Institute (now the Russian Academy of Music) class of Professor V.O.Berkov. Graduated from the Institute of Language and Literature at the Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR under the leadership of Academician A.K.Zhubanov. Since 1967 she has been teaching at the Conservatory at the Department of History of Foreign Music, and then at the Department of Musicology. During this time, over sixty musicologists studied in her class, most of whom continue to work in music colleges and universities of the country. The teaching experience resulted in issuance of a number of methodological works as well as in the textbooks such as «Traditional music of the Kazakh people» and «Kazak halkynyn dasturli musykasy», where Tamara Jumalieva acts as editor and author of a number of sections. The sphere of scientific interests of musicologist Jumaliyeva is very wide: modern foreign music, Kazakh musical culture of the 19th and 20th centuries, music criticism and journalism. Such works of T. Jumalieva as «Kazakh musical culture and the percentage of greatness of a nation» (monograph), «Kazakh akyns: East-West in the context of a single cultural space» (monograph), «Musical culture of Kazakhstan in the mirror of musical criticism and journalism» are widely known. The number of scientific and journalistic publications of the scientist exceeds 200.
Tamara Jumalieva is the founder and editor-in-chief of the New Musical Newspaper. In 2009, T. Jumaliyeva was awarded the title of Honored Worker of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Yuri Stepanovich Klushkin (02.02.1937) is the musician, concert performer, orchestra artist, music teacher. People's Artist of the Kazakh SSR (1984). Honored Artist of the Kazakh SSR (1971). Professor, Department of Wind and Percussion Instruments, pipe class at Kurmangazy Kazakh National Conservatory. He studied in 1960-1961 in our Conservatory, became a concert performer, orchestra artist and teacher. He was an artist of the State Symphony Orchestra of the Kazakh SSR (1962), Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs of Kurmangazy Alma-Ata State Conservatory (1979), a pipe group concertmaster of the State Symphony Orchestra (1986), head of the department of wind and percussion instruments at Kurmangazy Alma-Ata State Conservatory (1988). Scientific works: Plays of Kazakh composers for trumpet and piano / All-Union publishing edition «Soviet composer» (1983, Moscow), The works of composers of Kazakhstan for trumpet and piano (2009, Almaty), Collection of plays of composers of Kazakhstan for trumpet and piano (2012, Almaty).
Awards and titles: Honored Artist of the Kazakh SSR (1971), People’s Artist of the Kazakh SSR (1984), Certificate of Honor of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.A. Nazarbayev in connection with the 10th anniversary of independence of Kazakhstan (2002), Parasat Order (2004), Medal «20 years of independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan» (2011), Excellence in Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Honored Worker of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan, holder of a state scholarship of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan – Leader of the Nation in the field of culture (2017).
Seydolla Baiterekov (1945 -1998) is the Kazakh composer, conductor, teacher, Honored Worker of Culture of Kazakhstan (1994), graduated from the Kurmangazy Kazakh Conservatory (1977), majoring in Choral conducting, won the Grand Prix at the Golden Orpheus Festival in Bulgaria (1977) with the Alia song performed by R.Rymbaeva, was artistic director and conductor of the Kazakh concert touring concert group.
From 1990 until his death, he was the head of the Saz State Recording Studio. The music written by S. Baiterekov, was performed in the Czech Republic and Slovakia, Poland, Bulgaria, Yugoslavia, Turkey, Ukraine, Iran and North Korea.
Tolepbergen Abdrashevich Abdrashev (1948-2007) is the Kazakhstan conductor, People’s Artist of the Republic Kazakhstan. He studied at Kurmangazy Alma-Ata State Conservatory from 1967 to 1974 , graduated from the Moscow Conservatory, he studied at Gennady Rozhdestvensky's class. For about 25 years, he headed the State Symphony Orchestra of RK and the conductor class at Kurmangazy National State Conservatory, where Alan Buribayev, Abzal Mukhitdinov and Yerbolat Akhmedyarov were his students.
Awards and titles: Diploma of the International Contest of Conductors «Herbert von Karajan Foundation» (1977), Honored Artist of the Kazakh SSR (1982), Laureate of the All-Union Prize of Lenin Komsomol (1983), National Artist of the Republic of Kazakhstan (1995), Laureate of the State Prize of the Republic of Kazakhstan 1998), Professor (1999), Holder of «Kurmet» Order (2005).
Alibek Musaevich Dnishev (30.07.1951) is the Kazakh opera and chamber singer (tenor), teacher. People’s Artist of the USSR and People’s Artist of the Kazakh SSR. He graduated from Kurmangazy Kazakh National Conservatory, Professor Nadia Sharipova's vocal class in 1976.Since 1976 Alibek Dnishev is a soloist of Jambul Kazakh State Philharmonia. Since 1978, the soloist of Abay Kazakh State Academic Opera and Ballet Theater. Conducts concert activities. He performed with chamber programs in the largest halls of Europe, took part in performances of the Grande Theater in Moscow. He was toured with concert programs around the USSR and abroad. He was a deputy to the Supreme Council of the Kazakh SSR of the 11th convocation. In 1998, he founded and headed the «Alibek Dnishev's Theater and Vocal Academy». Since April 2006 is a Head of Rannil-Kazakhstan LLP.
Awards and titles: Winner of the All-Union Vocalists M.Glinka Competition (1st prize, 1975, Tbilisi, Georgia), Winner of the International R.Schumann Competition. (2nd prize, 1977, Zwickau, GDR), Winner of the International E.Villa-Lobos Competition of Vocalists, (1979, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil), People’s Artist of the Kazakh SSR (1979), People’s Artist of the USSR (1986), Lenin Komsomol Prize (1979) for high performing skills, The State Prize of Peace and Progress of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan – Leader of the Nation (2001), the Independent National Prize «Tarlan» («Platinum Tarlan» in the section «Music», «Club of Patrons of Kazakhstan», 2003), the State Prize of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of Literature and Art (2012), Parasat Order (1996), Otan Order (2011), Medal «10 years of Astana» (2008), Anniversary badge «50 years Aksu » (Aksu, Pavlodar region).

Saule Iskhakovna Utegalieva is the Doctor of History of Art, Professor, member of the Union of Composers of the Republic of Kazakhstan, expert from Kazakhstan side in the International Council for Traditional Music (ICTM), participant in the European Workshop on Ethnic Musicology (ESEM). Prominent Kazakh ethnomusicologist, organolog (instrumentalist). An important place in the sphere of her scientific interests is occupied by Kazakh instrumental (dombra) music as well as instrumental music of Turkic peoples and musical instruments of Central Asia.
Saule Utegaliyeva is an ethnoslegged specialist. This course is based on music for the traditional Kazakh instrument dombra. Awarded with diplomas of the Ministry of Information, Culture and Social Consent of the Republic of Kazakhstan «For the Contribution to the Development of Musical Art in Kazakhstan» dated November 27, 1999; The Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan «For the Contribution to the Development of Music Science in Kazakhstan» dated November 12, 2004. Winner of the Honorary title «Man of the Year», awarded by the American Biographical Institute (ABI), 2008.
Serik Zheksembekovich Yerkimbekov (03.04.1958) is the Soviet and Kazakhstan composer, Honored Art Worker of Kazakhstan (1996), Professor of the Kazakh National University of Arts, Advisor to the General Director of GKO «Qazaqconcert». He graduated from the Kurmangazy Almaty State Conservatory (1981). He was the Chairman of the Board of the Union of Composers of Kazakhstan (1998-2007), Head of the Composition and Opera Symphonic Conducting Department at Kurmangazy ASC (1999-2003), 1st Provost, Head of the Composition and Opera Symphonic Conducting Department of the Kazakh National University of Arts (2005-2015), artistic director of the GKO «Qazaqconcert» (2016-2017).
Awards and titles: Honored Artist of Kazakhstan (1996).
Adil Bestybaev (15.08.1959) is the Kazakh composer who is in the top ten repertory names of the world of brass music. In 1977-1982 yy. he studied at the Alma-Aty Conservatory in composition class of the USSR People’s Artist, composer G.A.Zhubanova, and studied at the Moscow Conservatory in the People’s Artist of Russia, Professor N.N.Sidelnikov's class in 1989. He is an Associate Professor at the Almaty Conservatory (1982-1997). Since 2006, he has been living in Canada (Vancouver). He wrote a number of works for the brass band which were published in Austria. Particularly famous works: «Voice of Asia», «Great Moghul», symphony «Idee Fixe», ballet «Baiterek» (premiere December 2010, Astana), symphony «Sacrifice of Tengri» (Almaty, Astana, 2009), Asia Dauys march. After the first performance in the USA in 1990, it became a kind of visiting card of the State Brass Band of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Chief Conductor K.Akhmetov). He is a member of the International Association of Composers of the Canadian Music Center.
Gaukhar Kurmanbekovna Murzabekova (23.02.1956) is the Kazakh violinist, conductor and teacher. She is a People’s Artist of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Professor, studied in Nina Patrusheva's class (Honored Worker of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Professor) at Kurmangazy KNC. In 1980 she graduated from P. I. Tchaikovsky Moscow State Conservatory (violin class of D. Oistrakh and O.V.Krys), and in 1982 she had an internship at the Moscow Conservatory. (O.V. Krys). From 1983 to 2005, she was a Professor, Head of the Department of String Instruments of Kurmangazy Kazakh National Conservatory (Almaty). From 1997 to the present she is Director, Artistic Director of the state ensemble of classical music «Camerata Kazakhstan». In 2004, she was the Director and chairman of the jury of the II International EuraAsia Violin Competition. From 1982 to 1997 she was a soloist of Zhambyl Kazakh State Philharmonic (Alma-Ata).
Awards and titles: In 1985, the laureate of the International Chamber Ensemble Contest in Paris. In 2010, «Ormet» Order (Astana). In 2012, the Winner of the State Prize of the Republic of Kazakhstan for the concert programs of A. Vivaldi - A. Piazzolla «8 Seasons», «Intrabaroque».
Marat Sametovich Bisengaliyev (15.03.1962) is the famous Kazakhstan violin virtuos («the brilliant violin soloist» - «The Times») and conductor. Honored Worker of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2000), Professor of the Birmingham Conservatory, one of the directors of the Alliance of Orchestras of the Asia-Pacific Region AAPRO. Most of the time he lives in the south of France near the Pyrenees and works in the UK and India. He studied at Kurmangazy Almaty State Conservatory (the class of prof. Nina Patrusheva), after the Moscow State Conservatory. (class of prof. Boris Belenky). In the 1989, Bisengaliyev opened the Altyn-Alma Chamber Orchestra in Almaty, performing in 35 countries of the world.
Awards and titles: 1988 – winner of the International Bach Competition of Performers in Leipzig (Germany), 1991 the first prize in the international Nikanor Sabaleta contest in Spain. In addition to the first prize he received a special prize for the most bright performance. In 2000 - the Honored Art Worker of Kazakhstan, «Kurmet» Order (Order of Honor) from the Government of the Republic, 2000 - the first laureate of the independent prize of Kazakhstani patrons «Platinum Tarlan» in the «Music» category, in 2010 is elected as the «Musical Symbol of the Decade of Kazakhstan» according to the results of an independent poll.
Alan Buribayev (05.03.1979) is the famous Kazakh conductor, winner of several European competitions of conductors, chief conductor and artistic director of the National Symphony Orchestra of Radio and Television of Ireland, invited conductor of the Bolshoi Theater of Russia, honored worker of the Republic of Kazakhstan.He graduated from Kurmangazy KNC in two specialties - violin and opera-symphonic conducting, classes of teachers T. Abdrashev, N. Zharasov with honors in three and a half years. He continued his training at the Vienna University of Music and Performing Arts at the class of Professor Uros Lajovic.
He worked as chief conductor of the Norrköping Symphony Orchestra (Sweden) and at the same time served as Chief Conductor of the Brabant Orchestra (Netherlands). Since 2010, he is the music director of the National Symphony Orchestra of Radio and Television of Ireland (Dublin). Since 2015, is the Chief Conductor of the Astana Opera Theater and in parallel the Principal Guest Conductor of the Osaka Symphony Orchestra (Japan).
Awards and titles: Lovro von Matachic International Contest of Conductors , Zagreb, Croatia - 1st Prize Laureate (1999), Nikolai Malko International Contest of Conductors. - special prize, Copenhagen, Denmark (2001), Antonio Pedrotti International Contest of Conductors. - laureate of 1 prize, Trento, Italy (2001).
Zhudebayev Arman Adilkhanovich (17.09.1986) was the Rector of Kurmangazy Kazakh National State Conservatory (2018-2023). He graduated his study with honors. He studied at the dombra music and conducting departments, Master of Arts. In 2009-2013 he worked as a teacher at Kurmangazy Conservatory, at Folk Music and Conducting departments and also led a student orchestra. In 2012 he became a senior teacher. He was the Chief Conductor of Kurmangazy Kazakh State Academic Orchestra of Folk Instruments (since 02.09.2013), he visited with the orchestra such countries as Turkey, Austria, Germany, China and brilliantly performed in famous halls. Also he is the author of the idea of the famous «Aytys Orchestras» project which was presented at the Gala Concert of the Conservatory in Astana, at the «Kazakhstan» concert hall in 2012.
Awards and titles: Winner of national and international contests, winner of the «Daryn» state youth prize.
Kanat Omarov (24.02.1988) is a conductor. He is a graduate of the Kurmangazy Kazakh National Conservatory. He studied in the class of Tolepbergen Abdrashev and Pavel Tarasevich. He has performed on tour in such venues as the Carnegie Hall (New York), Kennedy Center (Washington), the concert hall of the Mariinsky Theater (St. Petersburg), the grand hall of the Moscow Conservatory, Kitara Hall (Sapporo). In 2012, he participated in the Pacific Music Festival in Sapporo (Japan). He improved his conducting skills at the master classes by Fabio Luisi, chief conductor of the Vienna Symphony Orchestra, music director of the Pacific Music Festival, principal conductor of the New York Metropolitan Opera Theater, and music director of the Zurich Theater, Switzerland.
Abdyssagin Rakhat-Bi (born 02.02.1999) is a composer and pianist, Master of Art Sciences, author of more than 100 classical music compositions. Laureate of the «Daryn» State Youth Award, holder of the Honorary Badge «For Merits in the Development of Culture and Art» of the CIS Interparliamentary Assembly, member of the Association of Tchaikovsky Competition Stars. Winner of the National project «100 new faces of Kazakhstan».
Rakhat-Bi became a student when he was 13 years old, at 17 he graduated an internship at the Moscow State Tchaikovsky Conservatory. At the age of 18 brilliantly defended his master’s thesis (dissertation). Then he entered the postgraduate studies of three prestigious universities in Italy: Master di II Livello (composition) at Conservatorio «Giuseppe Verdi» in Milan, Master di II Livello (piano) at Conservatorio «Cesare Pollini» in Padua as well as Corso di Perfezionamento (composition) at the Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia in Rome, where he showed excellent results.
He is called the Kazakh Mozart. Whe he was 10 years old he wrote music that mature composers could be proud of! His large-scale symphony canvases and chamber works are played in the famous concert halls of Czech Republic, Italy, Austria, Slovenia, France, England, South Korea, Germany, Switzerland, Spain, Turkey, Ukraine, Russia, Romania, Egypt, Jordan, China and USA. Often he himself plays the piano solo part. He gives recitals and author’s concerts. British critics have called Rakhat-Bi «a real Kazakh miracle, a virtuoso pianist with extraordinary power and ambition in character».
Rakhat-Bi is the youngest participant and lecturer of ICTM, international composers and performers academies Impuls (Graz), ISA exhibitioner (Mürzzuschlag), KlangZeitMünster, Sermoneta (Italy). He is the author of scientific articles and books, he published a unique work «Mathematics and Contemporary Music» when was only 14. He speaks Kazakh, Russian, English, Italian and Spanish. German art critics say: «music of Rakhat-Bi has a special structure and mathematical precision. It is full of poetry and passion». His scores are published by prestigious European and Russian editions.