
The science


The research activity of the Kazakh National Conservatory named after Kurmangazy is aimed at the effective use of the conservatory scientific potential in solving urgent problems of the development of music science and music education.

Its main areas are determined by the development of:

* historical and theoretical problems of the world musical culture;
* problems of improving the musical education system and methods of teaching;
* problems of theory and musical performance practice.

The priority and strategically important orientation of the research activity of the teaching staff is the development of the Kazakhstan problems on the basis of traditional and modern musical art. The science of music in Kazakhstan has a rich history, in which an important role from the day of its foundation was played by the Kurmangazy Kazakh National Conservatory. In the conservatory worked such musicology educators as A.K. Zhubanov, B.G. Erzakovich, L.I. Goncharov, G.N. Bisenova, V.P. Dernova, P.V. Aravin, M.R. Kopytman, N.F. Tiftikidi, K.F. Kirina, A.I. Mukhambetova and many others.

Currently, the scientific research of teachers and students of the KNC named after Kurmangazy is conducted in four main areas: musicology, management in art, musical pedagogy and psychology, history and methodology of performing arts. Conferences, round tables and symposiums held in these areas are great importance. 

The conservatory regularly publishes collections of articles, conference materials, monographs, musical and ethnographic publications. In December 2013, a quarterly scientific journal "Vestnik of the Kazakh National Conservatory named after Kurmangazy " (since march 2017 renamed in to SARYN) was created, it publishes the results of research not only in the field of musical art, but also in various related fields of social and human sciences, pedagogy, psychology, and art history.

Послевузовское образование в КНК им. Курмангазы