
Partner Organizations

Considerable attention is paid to membership of the Conservatory in the International Associations of Conservatories, which enable communication, internships, exchange of experience, receiving master classes by students and teachers, recommendations for acquiring musical instruments and obtaining grants for musical instruments, as well as cooperation opportunities in terms of student exchange. and educators. Internships for teachers, master classes for students, participation in competitions and festivals, an application for receiving educational grants, transport grants and scholarships, work on the possibility of participating in projects for the preservation and promotion of musical heritage, etc. become a reality thanks to budget financing and in the course of cooperation with international centres and other organizations.

Prominent figures and teachers of the Kurmangazy Kazakh National Conservatory are members of various associations, such as:

• Association of European Conservatories and Higher Music Schools (since 1998);

• International Association “Music of Turkic people”;

• International Council for Traditional Music (ICTM);

• European Ethnological Music Seminar (EEMS);

• European Council for Psychology and Music Perception (ECPMP);

• The Association of European Conservatories (AEC;

Foreign partner universities