"String Music Festival" - Concert of cello and double bass music
15 february
A. Zhubanov Small Concert Hall (86, Abylai khan av.)
the concert is dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the birth of Dzhambul BaspaevIn a programme:
- D. Shostakovich Prelude (arrangements for two cellos Musa Kerimbaeva)
- J. Bottesini "Tarantella"; Variations on the theme of a duet from the opera “The Beautiful Miller's” by J. Paisiello
- Popppuri on Kazakh themes for two cellos (arranged by M.Sutishev)
- I.Kh.Bakh "Adagio"
- D. Dacros "Encore"
- J. Klengel "Scherzo", Anthem for 12 cellos op.57
- A. Piazzolla "Grand Tango"
- J.-B. Barrier - Sonata for 2 cellos G-Dur of 4 volumes (Nr.4 Andante - Adagio - Allegro prestissimo)
- K. Fitzenhagen - Concert Waltz for 4 cellos, Op. 31
- V.K. Izer-Lindeman - “Mambo for six” for 6 cellos
- J. Sollima - March for 8 Cellos
- Denis Severin (Switzerland) is a professor at the Graduate School of Music in Geneva and the High School of the Arts in Bern.
- Attila Paztor soloist of the All Alba trio, representative of the company Tomastik Helga Luksevitsa and Nadezhda Kurzova are students at the Geneva Conservatory.
- Maksat Nurlanov laureate of international and republican competitions,
- Musa Kerimbayev Madeniet Salasyny үzdіgі, laureate of international and republican competitions.
Students of the string instruments department: Ilmuradov Samat, Oraztay Aktolkyn, Azizov Torekhan, Kaldybekova Akbota, Aytbekov Eldar, Daniyarov Dauren, Nurbolat Dynasyl, Nurbolat Erasyl.
Cello Ensemble of the Kurmangazy KNC (artistic director, Honorary Worker of the Republic of Kazakhstan Aizhan Dzhulmukhamedova, Bіlіm take Salasyң ңzdіgі Akmaral Emreeva)
Piano part:
Albina Kim, Jeannell Abdykadyrova, Elmira Valiyeva, Askar Kulsharipov.
Free admission
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Admission 2024