
Department of Social and Humanitarian Disciplines

                                                   History of the Department of Social Sciences and Humanities

Since the foundation of the conservatory, history of the department is directly connected with the spiritual and socio-political life of Hei. Teachers of the Department of Social Sciences and Humanities continue the traditions of formation and development of world outlook culture of students-musicians laid down by the department of Marxism-Leninism, whose first head was K.Zh. Zhamanbaev.
Requirements of the universal accession of modern education, as well as the paradigm change in the field of social and human sciences determined the process of "restructuring" the department, which led to the inclusion of a number of new natural science disciplines in the educational process. The task is to form a modern culture of thinking and a methodological strategy for scientific research, critical thinking skills and sustainable worldview based on the principles of Kazakhstan patriotism, interethnic and interdenominational consent, active citizenship, respect for individual rights and freedom, tolerant social relationships. In an effort to preserve the traditions of the intellectual center of the university the department regularly holds round tables, meetings, commemorative evenings for outstanding figures of the country, scientific and theoretical student conferences. At the department the Student Discussion Club "Pearls of the Quest" has been running since 1998.

Section of Kazakh and Foreign Languages

History of the section is closely connected with the history of the Department of Languages and Literature, which was established in 1951. The department was represented by P.M. Kakuzina. In 1953, the teaching of the Kazakh language was introduced in the conservatory. The first teacher in this discipline was Professor K.B. Baikadamov. Then the department was renamed into the department of the Kazakh and foreign languages. At present, in connection with the transformation of faculties and departments since 2007, it is listed as a section of the Kazakh and foreign languages in the department of the Department of Social Sciences and Humanities. On the section, in addition to Kazakh, the teaching of Russian, English, German, Italian languages is being conducted. The head of the section is Ph.D., Associate Professor Suleyeva G.S. The section of Kazakh and foreign languages annually organizes the "Til merekesi" evenings in the framework of the national holiday "The Day of Languages", which is celebrated in our country on September 22. The Section, on its own initiative, often conducts various educational activities among students, such as "Kazaksha KVN”, Nauryz", "Kiz Syny", "Tauelsizdik Kuni", etc.
Section of Physical Education
Department of Physical Education and Sports was organized in 1964. The first head of the department was N.A Semenishin. Physical culture in the conservatory is an integral part of the national program for the formation of a common and professional culture. The graduates of the Kazakh Institute of Physical Culture make up the basis of the personnel potential of the department. For 33 years, the department was headed by Bakhyt Kalishovich Koishibaev - an Associate Professor, an honors pupil of the USSR Higher School, an honored student of physical culture of the USSR, winner of the Badge of Honor for merits in the development of physical culture and sports. In the modern musical educational and cultural processes, the Department of Physical Education and Sports is important in shaping harmoniously a developed personality, the organization of a healthy lifestyle and the strengthening of students' health, involving students in active sports and mass activities, in developing professionally physical and psychological abilities. At present, the physical education section is a part of the Department of Social and Humanitarian Disciplines. The head of the section is the teacher Shalbarbaev Amre Mukhataevich.

Pedagogical staff of the department:

Alima Kairbekova – Head of the Department, PhD in Philosophy, Associate Professor
Naurzbayeva Almira Beketovna – Professor
Absatarova Gulsara Bekturganovna – Senior teacher
Aidos Toktagul Mynzhanuly – Candidate of historical sciences
Amanzholova Shyryn Amanovna – Ph.D., Associate Professor
Gulnara Aydashevna Atembayeva – Master’s degree in pedagogical sciences
Dzhanseitova Svetlana Sattarovna – professor
Zhaparov Elnur Zhumaiuly  – senior teacher
Raikhan Zhussupova – associate professor of Higher Attestation Commission
Banu Kaldaeva  – aster oMf Philosophy, Sciences, Senior Teacher
Tamara Satybaldina – Candidate of Philosophy, Professor
Raushan Shindaulova – PhD in Philosophy, candidate of pedagogical sciences

Section of Kazakh and foreign languages:

Gulzhan Suleeva  – head of the section, Candidate of Philosophy, Associate Professor
Zhanseitova Svetlana – Associate Professor, 
Sholpan Altbaybaeva – Candidate of Philosophy, Associate Professor
Botagoz Utebaeva – Teacher
Ainur Esetova – Teacher Assisant
Kuanysh Rasulbek – Teacher Assistant 
Gulsara Absatarova – Assistant Professor
Kulmanova Zulfiya  – Teacher
Arkabayeva Gulsm – Teacher
Mishimbayeva Ainur – Teacher
Кydyrbek Aidana – Teacher
Zhaulibai Akgul – Teacher

Section of Physical Education:

Liliya Zyleva – Teacher Assistant
Serik Toleubekuly – Teacher
Amre Shalbarbaev – Head of the Section, Teacher